What We Mediate
Family Co-Mediation offers the opportunity to choose from our group of diverse professional backgrounds who can offer support and guidance for:
1. Family Law and Divorce
2. Estate Conflicts
3. School Conflicts
4. Caregiving and Guardianships
5. Organizations and Family Businesses
Family Law and Divorce
Division of Assets
For Children of Married and Unmarried Parents​
Child and Spousal Support
Parenting Time Agreements
Educational and Extracurricular Needs
Modifications of Existing Orders or Agreements
Prenuptial and Postnuptial Agreements
Estate Conflicts
We have assisted families, organizations, and family businesses when circumstances have required settling an estate, reorganizing or succession planning for a business or organization, or figuring out what to do following the passing of a parent or partner.
School Conflicts
Parent-School Conflicts
Parent-Teacher Conflicts
Child-School Conflicts
Community Conflicts and Relations
Caregiving and Guardianships
Conflicts Involving Caregivers, Parents, and Guardians and...​
Public Agencies
Family Members
Care Arrangements
Organizations and Family Businesses
Maintaining and Sustaining Small and Closely-Held (Non-Profit and For-Profit) Organizations, Family Businesses, and partnerships